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Meeting George

I have captured many moments in the Greig family's life from Jon and Nikki’s engagement to their wedding, to when baby Noah was born, and now when baby George was born. Well almost because of lockdown we couldn’t have the shoot until things started up again but I was very excited to meet him and capture this special time especially for friends and family who haven’t met him yet and they can see the family all together.

Baby George decided he wanted to make an entrance into this world and when Nikki was 9 months pregnant she tested positive for Covid and became so unwell she was taken to the hospital and had to have an emergency cesarean as the virus was affecting George. Thankfully he was delivered safe and well but sadly couldn’t meet his daddy or big brother until he was 4 days old.

They finally made it home only for Nikki to feel unwell again and to be rushed to A&E spending a week on a Covid respiratory ward leaving all three of her boys at home without her which must have been heartbreaking. Jon looked after the boys wonderfully whilst feeling unwell with Covid symptoms as well and in self-isolation with them.

I couldn’t believe what Nikki told me, what had happened and all that they had gone through. It made the photos even more special. This year has been so heartbreaking for everyone but I have no idea how they coped with all that happened but they are out the other side now and can enjoy time as a family of five, including Jakey the dog.

Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot.


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