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Kitty and Curtis’s surprise wedding!

When is a Christening, not a Christening? When it’s actually a surprise wedding!

When Kitty and Curtis were planning their wedding, they decided they wanted to do things a little differently. They didn’t actually tell any of their guests they were getting married. Instead they lured them all to the Church under false pretenses, claiming it was a Christening, for their daughter.

This was definitely a new one for me. Waiting at the church beforehand, it was only me and the priest that were in on it. So we were desperately trying to act cool, as everyone was gathering and taking their seats. It was only when the doors opened and Kitty walked in with her Dad, wearing her wedding dress that the big surprise was revealed. Everyone immediately gasped and looked completely stunned, before breaking into cheers and laughs. It was such a fab and unforgettable moment for all their guests, and for me too! I was so glad they chose me to capture such a priceless moment.

After the church, we all headed over to Preston Grasshoppers Rugby Football Club for the reception. By this point, the shock had just about dissipated and the guests were ready to let their hair down and party with the happy couple.


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